TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute)
Delhi – 2008

A closed competition design for TERI in Delhi. The project came a very close second after substancial deliberation. It was a partially pre-existing campus where new faculties were to be added. Our approach was to substancially enhance the environmental character of this large land.
Islamic University Science and Technology
Awantipora, Jammu and Kashmir – 2007

This was a competition design that we won along with Stephane Paumier Architects for Islamic University of Science and Technology, Jammu and Kashmir. The site had two parts one for housing and the main campus and is about 100 acres. The main feature was to bring the elements of landscape of Kashmir into the gardens in a stylized way while addressing the issues of water management, drainage, and celebrating the poetics of water through the gardens design. The building were designed as a new typology that took into consideration surrounding context of the mountains, climate, sun and shadows through the year and working with traditional typology for present time and construction materials.