Sacred Landscape
Disappearing Lakes and Water Bodies of Kashmir Valley
Connecting Delhi Water Systems
River Edge Ecological Restoration
Bijbehara, Jammu and Kashmir

Bio engineering is the mixture of principles of biology and tools of engineering. Bio engineering is cost effective use of vegetation required for slope stabilization and control run off and their effects on erosion of soil and transportation. It is locally adapted method to control landslides and loosening of soil. Bio engineering plays a key role where civil engineering fails and answers to common slope stability problems to road construction and negative impact of road construction. Proper roadside drainage need to be provided to divert heavy run-off are some of the examples required in bio engineering for safer place.
In general, bio engineering is the attempt to regulate and modify bio-system so as to control natural biological systems. These are extensively used for stream corridor stabilization and erosion control, slope stabilization of hills and along roads and highways especially along hillsides.
Ganga Riverfront
Shreyas Retreat
Bangalore, Karnataka - 2004

This yoga resort is spread over 22 acres in the outskirts of Bangalore city. The landscape was designed to work with natural systems and processes with water as the starting point for master planning and design. A series of detention, retention ponds along with bio-swales were created that additionally served as opportunities for outdoor activities for yoga and recreation. Pavilion and deck were created for the guests near the ponds and in the landscape. The site was a coconut plantation that was suffering from an irreversible disease. Indigenous techniques were applied to improve the soil health and a variety of native trees, shrubs and grasses were planted to enhance the biodiversity. One 25 people can stay at a time on the 22 acre landscape and 5 acres were earmarked for organic farming to supply fresh produce for the kitchen. The guest gets the opportunity to work in the edible landscape as a part of their stay.